Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Good Morning... 
Yesterday proved to be a rather unproductive day, spent trying to stay warm. I realized that when I am not warm, I have serious trouble getting going for the day. I guess that might confirm that God doesn't want me to move to the Antarctic. :D but maybe He does, I don't know. 
This mornings reading came from the book of Colossians and was about how in Christ our lives are hidden which Chambers manifested as solid ground. Noting that if we are following God's path provides security that cannot be found elsewhere. If we do what is recorded in the Gospel of John, and walk in the Light that is Christ and not let our hearts be troubled then surely we can be given the peace of Christ. We are in the season of Advent, our hearts have been preparing for the entrance of our Savior into the World. Tomorrow is the day that we celebrate His arrival, and the Light that we are to follow will be born into the world. No more do we have to live with troubled hearts, and finally peace shall be in our lives, because our paths will be made clear. Like Mary we need to guard the words of the Lord in our heart to ponder what they mean. However we cannot just leave them in our hearts, it is mandatory to act upon the things we learn when we ponder them. Today the goal is to walk in the Light, because it is here. God Bless!!

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